Many folks have suggested that we post notes from the pastoral council meetings. We all thought this was a great idea, so here they are. You should be seeing these monthly! -sam
Notes from the PC meeting on February 28, 2010
Present: Owen Brock, Kenny Havens, Sam Hatchett, Josh Hanauer, Mandy McLaughlin, Dave Nixon, Jeremy Eyre, Christiane Sears, Sarah Adams, Greg York, Janet McNeel, Brad Rogers, Bethany Rogers
Meeting led by Josh Hanauer. Brief discussion of Google Wave and its use by Pastoral Council. Agenda items were reviewed and PC members selected priority items via a tally system. Owen referenced Stephen Covey’s concept of quadrants for recognizing urgency vs. importance.
- VC Finances
- Wedding Business Proposal
- Job Descriptions for Pastoral Council members
- Feedback from last large gathering/ plans for Spanish mass (Easter?)
- Who is a member and who is a friend of VC?
VC Finances – Presentation by Sarah Adams (with handout)
YMCA memberships – problems with payments, some participants are not current, costing VC to cover this, deadline approaching to sign for this year. Decision made to end VC sponsorship. Volunteer could take this over if someone were to step forward. [note: Beth Reed has since taken up this cause]
Reviewed various expense items. Questions asked and answered by Sarah. Desire is to breathe new life into stewardship process. Discussed possibility of house churches being asked to forego monthly allotment to help out with deficit for next couple of mos. [note: only discussed; no resolutions were made] Also team will be formed to discuss financial matters and determine how to best communicate with house churches (suggested names were Mandy, Josh, Sam, Kenny, Owen, and Greg) – Sarah will set a meeting in 1-2 weeks.
Suggestion to inform folks of “direct pay” giving option through local banks online
Wedding Business Proposal – Presented by Greg York (with handout)
Plans are underway to get this started in the near future—viewed as beneficial to VC and to the community. Some discussion followed. Concerns re. long term impact on West Norwood. Further talks will occur with VC congregation.
Job Descriptions – To be completed. Deadline in two weeks so that this information can be posted on the website.
Brief discussion occurred about communication with folks emailing VC for information, oftentimes these may be individuals who are out of state. Eventually hope that Kevin Gilles will be able to be the contact person for newcomers to get linked with house churches. Kenny and Christiane to also be involved. Jeremy and Greg also agreed to be on a team to help channel folks into house churches. Plan to have “Come and See” weekends—maybe 4x per year?? Voicemail message for VC will be switched over to Google Voice system.
Review of Last Gathering on February 7
Need welcome, offering basket, try to make more integral part of service especially in light of current financial needs. Like kids’ song. May enlist house churches to plan a gathering or have particular roles in the future. Announcements will be presented by Mandy. Want to make sure that gatherings reinforce VC’s identity.
Activities and meetings will be on the calendar on VC’s website. Will make PC mtg. notes/minutes available to the VC community. Plan is to re-instate Town Hall mtgs. on quarterly basis.
Permission has been granted by the Archdiocese of Cinti for the hosting of a Spanish mass at St. Elizabeth’s in the near future. PC majority voted in favor of supporting this endeavor. Will need to decide soon whether this will occur on Easter and how to coordinate with planned use of the building for gathering on that day.
Who are Members vs. Friends of VC – Item not discussed due to time limitation.
NEXT MEETING: March 28, 2010 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.