St. E’s Exploration Team

The Board of Trustees of Vineyard Central is (legally) responsible for overseeing the care and maintenance of property owned by the church. In our case that means St. Elizabeth’s. We understand that the issue of the building’s physical state needs to be addressed in a serious and sustained manner. Beyond the needed repairs we face a growing liability issue.

In order to begin this work, the Board has established an ad-hoc committee that will meet regularly through the remainder of the summer to explore ideas for moving forward. This team isn’t a decision-making body. Instead it will generate ideas and attach some levels of feasibility to each of the ideas based on research that it does (homework required!). At the end of the summer it will present its ideas and suggestions to the Board of Trustees and Pastoral Council. Those two groups will then determine how best to present the committee’s work to the rest of the community, soliciting input and further ideas.

The following people will be serving on behalf of Vineyard Central:
Sam Hatchett, Angela Pancella, Ben Eilerman, Elizabeth Herron, Jeremy Eyre, Janet McNeel, Greg York, Drew Allan, Kevin Rains, and Matt Dawson

Your prayers for them and the team’s work matters.

On behalf of the trustees (Owen Brock, Janet McNeel, Greg York),
Dave Nixon

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