Present: Greg York, Christiane Sears, Jeremy Eyre, Josh Hanauer, Janet McNeel, Mandy McLaughlin, and Dave Nixon
Meeting was held and the Hanauers home on Spencer Ave.
The first part of the meeting was spent reflecting on recent developments within this leadership body. Members were given the opportunity to express thoughts and feelings about the current situation. Specifically of concern are the recent resignations of Bethany Rogers(overseeing gatherings), Kevin Gilles (overseeing house churches/networking/ leadership community) and Sarah Ross (overseeing finances). Earlier resignations this year included Kenny Havens and Brad Rogers.
For the time being, Dave Nixon will oversee the Leadership Community. There are tentative plans for Hearth and Terra Nova house churches to cover the next two months of planning and carrying out the activities associated with monthly gatherings.
Sarah Ross is moving and Greg York is fulfilling her role of overseeing finances. A meeting will be scheduled soon with Ken Hanauer to help the VC finance committee set up a more efficient system of tracking finances.
The group considered the question of what are the few things that we need to be focusing on to do well. There was discussion about doing community vs. doing church and where we see VC at present with either or both.
Josh reviewed some recent connections with new folks and how we are still drawing individuals who are interested in community and relationships in a spiritual context.
The group read the lectionary together and shared communion.
Greg York gave a brief update regarding our financial status. We have approximately $8000 in the bank. We are roughly spending about $500 more than we are taking in each month. Compared to last year, giving is down 5%; over the past three months giving is down 17%. Salaries are up 80% over last year so this is the most noticeable difference in expenses. Collection of studio rent has improved and the YMCA membership situation was resolved for the first 6 mos. We need to be sure that Beth Reed will take this on for the next 6 mos. period. There was a broken coffeemaker earlier this year and an effort will be made to provide compensation for that.
Jeremy has been in communication with the Pomegranates and they have agreed to give a fundraiser concert in December. More details will be provided later.
The Google Wave has been scrapped by the developers so we will not be using this now.
Josh will communicate the date for the next PC meeting.