The Women’s Retreat is this Friday through Saturday, May 20-21. The tentative schedule for the retreat is as follows (please note: the convent is also available on Saturday night if you would like to stay a second night at no additional cost.) :
Friday 4pm: Check in starts at the convent for overnight guests
6:30 potluck dinner (please post what you are bringing on Facebook so we get an idea of the meal)
7:30pm: Opening prayer service/ reflection/ singing
8:30 social time and dessert (bring some dessert too!)
10pm Quiet time on second and third floors/ first floor remains open for socializing and games/ etc.
Saturday 8:30am: breakfast (anyone is welcome, even if you didn’t spend the night)
9:30am Singing
10am: reflection on scripture
10:30 – 11:25: quiet time throughout the house
11:25- 11:45 break/ transition
11:45- 12:30 small group conversations on the first floor
12:30 -1 break
1ish lunch
2:30 closing worship service
after we finish the convent will remain open. There are no outisde reservations for Saturday night so anyone is welcome to stay on, and even spend another night. we will have an informal dinner of leftovers and pizza. Please consider staying if you have the time!