Order of Worship and Gathering in Pentecost

Below you’ll see the order of how our gatherings will progress in the season of Pentecost and following.  This will not always look the same, as we need to provide space for surprises, for God at work in ways that won’t necessarily “fit” the order we’ve set up.  But we trust that this structure for our gatherings provides space for us to, like the movement of the tides, spend time intentionally communicating with and listening to God, and spend time intentionally communicating with and listening to one another. The plan is for the more traditional “worshipy” elements to take about a half-hour, and the conversations to take about an hour.  And as often as house churches and others step up, we will share lunch together.

The discernment team put a lot of thought into the order, seeking to integrate elements of what we have been doing together weekly for months, along with pieces we’ve added in response to strong words we’ve heard (like Dave Barr’s word to practice listening prayer together).  So we hope the order of worship gives space for us to cling to and listen for God speaking to us now and also for us to remember that God has already spoken.

You’ll notice the conversation is included in the order of worship.  The meaning is clear.  Conversation, the  act of listening and speaking thoughtfully, is worship too.

Call to Worship
Passing of the Peace
Framing the Conversation
Listening Prayer
Closing Song (“Unless the Lord Builds” or “Memory and Hope”)

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