VC Kids Update

Shepherding the Children of Vineyard Central: January Summary

During the month of January, the children have been focusing on how Jesus manifested God’s love for the world through his ministry of preaching, miracles, and healing. They have been memorizing Matthew 9:35, ?Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” They learned of Christ as the Beloved Son of God as they heard about his baptism. They learned of Christ the Servant of God as they heard about Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. On that week, the 5-7 year olds thought about how God is our food and made sandwiches out of construction paper. They learned of Christ as the Good Shepherd as they heard about Jesus calling his disciples. That week, the 1-4 year olds wondering what it might have felt like to leave their family business and their jobs and what it might have felt like to follow Jesus. They then made colorful three-dimensional fish out of construction paper and tissue paper. They learned of Christ as the Host of the Banquet Feast through hearing the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. On that week, the 5-7 year olds each made flatbread and were instructed to share with others, just as Jesus had told his disciples.

In the coming weeks, the children will hear of Christ as Forgiver of Sins, Healer, and Lord of All. During the season of Lent, they will also begin to hear of the people Jesus encounters on his way to Jerusalem, such as children, the poor, and the sick.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. If you are interested in joining those serving the children, please feel free to talk to one of the classroom leaders.

~ Laura


Mandy McLaughlin (1-4 Year Olds)

Laura Menze (5-7 Year Olds)

Jill Stoxen (8-11 Year Olds)

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