From Elizabeth Hatchett:
Hello Church!
Jill, Josh and Karis Stoxen welcomed their newest, littlest family member, Micah, into the world this week, and we’re excited to start the meal brigade this coming Monday. Here is a link to the calendar we’ve set up to help plan their meals together. It also included helpful info like delivery times, phone numbers and food preferences. The days highlighted in green are available. The days in blue are taken (incidentally, you can click on the blue dates to see what folks are bringing if they choose to fill it out) Just make an account (very simple, email + password, and they promise not to spam you), click on a green date when you’d like to share a meal, then type what you are bringing so others can know how to plan. Jill and Josh will get an email with the date and menu you’ve chosen, along with your email address if they need to contact you for any reason.
BUT, if any of this online planning business freaks you out, just let me know and I will sign you up on a date that works for you. You can contact me by phone: 513.202.3889 or email:
Thank you!