As we have communicated over the last few weeks, the season of Advent will represent a shift in our life together as a church family. Our worship gatherings over the last nine months have been a blend of traditional worship elements (singing, prayer, message) and the worshipful commitment to honest, respectful conversation about the path forward for Vineyard Central. During the season of Advent, we will relax back into the season, with our worship gatherings shifting in focus away from our communal discernment and into the themes, scriptures, and songs of Advent. During these weeks, there will be short updates about the Discernment Process, a covenanting ceremony on December 11th, and an election of elders following worship on December 18th; but the main focus will be spending Advent together with one another and with the wider church in the world.
Here’s the layout of the next few weeks for your preparation:
Nov 27th: First Sunday of Advent
Worship gathering: 10 am
Last day for membership covenant commitments
Evening worship gathering for singing and praying: 5 p.m.
Dec 4th: Second Sunday of Advent
Worship gathering: 10 am
Last day for elder nominations
Evening worship gathering for singing and praying: 5 p.m.
Dec 11th: Third Sunday of Advent
Worship gathering: 10 am
Covenanting ceremony for members during worship gathering
Evening worship gathering for singing and praying: 5 p.m.
Dec 18th: Fourth Sunday of Advent
Worship gathering: 10 am
Elders elected directly following worship gathering
Evening worship gathering for singing and praying: 5 p.m.
Dec 24th: Christmas Eve
Worship gathering: 5 pm
Dec 25th: Christmas Day
Worship gathering: 10 am