VC Kids Update

Hello VC family!

During the month of June, the younger children learned and wondered about stories related to the theme “God is with you.” Activities included a puppet show by the Mooney-Bullocks and making baskets for the multiplying loafs and fishes. During the month of July, the younger children will be learning stories related to the theme “God is good.”

During June and July, the older children are learning about Jesus, the Great Storyteller. The focus of the weeks are parables that Jesus told. We have likened parables to gifts – gifts that are precious, but that sometimes have lids on them when we first hear them. The specific parables discussed have been the Parable of the Mustard Seeds, Parable of the Great Pearl, and Parable of the Sower. (The children also heard the story of the sending of Paul and Barnabas and illustrated a Psalm as a blessing for Isaiah and Arbutus as they moved to the farm).

The parables to be studied in July are the Parable of the Good Samaritan, the Parable of the Great Banquet, the Parable of the Famer and the Growing Seed, the Parable of the Treasure, and the Parable of the Fishnet. We will finish our final week of parables in August with the Parable of the Two Sons.

Thank you to all who have assisted in shepherding the children among us! We are always seeking volunteers to assist in leading and to be helpers. I speak from personal experience when I say that I consistently meet God in my time with children.

~Laura Menze


One thought on “VC Kids Update

  1. This did my heart so much good to read. I love that all the brilliant, beautiful kids in the VC community are getting the thoughtful care of folks like you, Laura.

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