Membership Review

As we come to the end of the year, the Elders will be meeting with each member of VC to look back on the year and discuss the following questions:

  1. What has been positive about your membership experience this year? Would you say there is a difference in your experience between being a member vs. not being a member? What has been disappointing?
  2. How important were the member practices to you? What practices have been helpful to your spiritual journey? Which ones have been challenging? What would you add, subtract or change?
  3. In what areas of your life would you like further discipleship and pastoral care? How could the Elders better care for and challenge you as a member?
  4. How have you been able to use your gifts in the church and in the community over the past year? Is there some way you would like to serve that you haven’t had the chance to?
  5. What are your hopes and dreams for our church and community for the coming year? How do you see yourself participating in those dreams? Do you feel called to continue in your covenant membership?

Please be prayerfully considering whether or not you plan to recommit to membership for 2013. We will have a renewal of our covenant vows on Epiphany, the first Sunday in January, for all those who would like to continue their membership commitment.

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