
Please join us for our second Party on the Piazza this Friday night, June 14th, from 6-9pm. Grab some pizza from Moriah Pie and make an evening of it!

Then join us on Saturday, June 15th, from 1-4pm at Upper Millcrest Park for a Health and Wellness Festival featuring several of our friends and neighbors. The festival is a celebration of the new play equipment that has been installed in the park and will include activities to help you live a healthier lifestyle. It is a collaboration of Norwood residents, Woven Oak, Vineyard Central, Norwood Health Department, Starfire and friends of Upper Millcrest Park.

Activities include:
-Family fitness with Charlie Levine of 513 Fit
-Family yoga with Emily Merk
-Children’s yoga with Emily Mueller
-Contemporary dance with Tara Mueller
-Rugby exercises with Joshua Hanauer
-Basketball drills with Joshua Hardin of Ballstars
-Self-defense with Dorsey Gaston of Fitworks
-Community gardening: planting, picking, tasting vegetables
-Art with Norwood Residents Laura and Mandy
-Child safety with Chandra Corbin of Norwood Health Department
-Norwood Library will be talking about their summer reading program

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