The month of September has brought several changes within the world of VC children. Jill Stoxen has begun to serve in an advisory role for serving the children, especially in regards to the 8-10 year olds. In addition, the decision was made to keep the recently turned 4 year olds with the youngest class. This change allows class sizes to be more evenly distributed. Also, we will begin implementing a “graduation Sunday” each fall in order to mark a clear changing of groups and help to offer more welcome and orientation as children change classes, rather than children transitioning individually on their birthday.
During the month of September, 0-4 year olds made letters on behalf of our friends telling another friend to do something kind for them (like Paul did in Philemon). They also had fun making homemade play dough! They also talked about sharing their treasures (oranges and chocolate) with others.
During the month of September, the 5-7 year olds finished talking about the order of worship and they helped lead the congregation in worship by singing the song “If I Were a Butterfly.” They have now begun to spend up until Advent talking about the fruit of the Spirit. They are memorizing Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” They have responded by making leaves for the “fruit tree” in the classroom, placemats with the fruit of the Spirit, and fountains of joy. They have also enjoyed enthusiastically singing, dancing, and creating motions for a song about the fruits of the Spirit.
Last week when I was with the children, they engaged like I had not seen before – they spontaneously started singing the fruits of the Sprit song when making their fountains of joy and did not hesitate to dance and sing when activities took less time than the reflection. However, soon after our time ended, a child began crying for a seemingly small and insignificant reason. I tried to remind the child of the fountain of joy just made, but the tears continued. It is easy to see this child’s response and see ourselves as much different, but as I watched this child, I saw myself and my own short memory of God’s goodness in my life. I forget every quarter that the Lord will provide and I do not need to worry about having enough volunteers to serve with the children. I forget that the Lord is near when a frightening encounter at work leaves me shaken and fearful. I forget that the Lord is an ever present help when I look at what needs to be done and panic rises within me. But even in my forgetfulness, the Lord offers great love to me and reminds me time and time again of who He is.
Should you wish to join the volunteer team or visit one of the classes, please feel free to contact one of us. We would love to have you join.
Aliza Bruner (0-4 Year Old Children)
Laura Menze (5-7 Year Old Children)
Jill Stoxen (8-10 Year Old Children)