VC Kids Summary: June

Shepherding the Children of Vineyard Central

In order to celebrate Pentecost, the 5-7 year olds reenacted Pentecost shouting out ‘Glory to God’ in a variety of languages and waving “flames” (of fabric).

Following Pentecost during the month of June, the children began learning about the faithful, imperfect followers of God. They learned the Bible verse, “The Lord is for me; I will not fear; What can man do to me?” (Psalm 118:6) as they learned stories about Joseph.

In the 0-4 class, the toddlers made colorful coats with tissue paper and button’s that were Mandy’s grandmother.  They also thought about how Joseph knowing God was what made him different than the other prisoners. They also made butterflies to remind them of God transforming things into great beauty.  In the 5-7 year old class, they made drawings of “team jackets” for them and their dad to reflect on the coat Jacob made for Joseph, as well as to celebrate Father’s Day. The 8-11 year olds, learned about saying no to temptation by learning about the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife.

Several upcoming dates to note…. On Sunday, August 24th, we will celebrate “graduation Sunday” when certain children (based on ages) will graduate into the next class. This will allow all children to transition together. On Saturday, October 4, from 10-1, shepherds and helpers are invited for a morning of sharing ideas, training, and lunch. We hope you can make it (more details will follow). If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

~ Laura

Mandy McLaughlin (1-4 Year Olds)
Laura Menze      (5-7 Year Olds)
Jill Stoxen      (8-11 Year Olds)

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