A few announcements regarding our upcoming Easter celebration:
Easter Service – We’ll gather at 10am on Easter morning for a celebration of resurrection, with the added joy of welcoming new young lives into our church family in a time of child dedication. Childcare will be providedĀ up to age 8. Plan to join us afterward for a memorable Easter potluck.
Easter Potluck – As of Monday morning, we only have a few folks signed up to bring something to the potluck. Please remember to add your contribution to the list. It’s quick and easy.
Church Decorating – Volunteers are needed to help prepare St. E’s for Easter. We will be meeting at 3 pm on Saturday, April 3rd. If you are able we would love for you to bring cut or potted flowers. Plan on spending a couple hours working together to create a beautiful space that adds to the joy of our celebration. If you can help, please emailĀ gatherings@vineyardcentral.com to let us know you’ll be coming.