Present: Janet McNeel, Josh Hanauer, Sam Hatchett, Jeremy Eyre, Owen Brock, Dave Nixon
Meeting led by Josh Hanauer.
Brief updates:
Sam and Mandy(Communications) – Two new member profiles (Laura Menze and Natasha Beljin) can be found on VC’s website entitled “New Faces”.
Janet (Admin/Support) – Recently provided laminated guide for table meals which Dave Nixon will be sharing with participants. Also, completed several informational sheets to be shared with newcomers. Christiane will be using these in the packets.
Dave (Pastor – Internal Focus) – Has been overseeing the group exploring options for St. Elizabeth building. Expressed some concern about staying with specific focus versus recent discussion about needing to raise money for match if we accept the GCEA grant.
This update brought up some discussion about the ongoing need to identify someone to take responsibility for this area. This was an identified position at the start of the year, but to date has remained unfilled. Some thought has been given to trying to find someone and possibly offer some payment. General consensus is that we are not ready for this yet. Owen reminded PC members to pay attention to progress that we have made this year and not be discouraged by what remains to be done.
Jeremy (Facilities) – An energy audit will be needed if we accept the GCEA grant.
Josh has completed an unofficial fire inspection, noting possible concerns. Jeremy’s Bldg. committee has compiled a list of projects which can be made available to any volunteer group offering help. There is still a plan to have a local music group offer a benefit concert in late summer or fall.
Agenda Items:
Debriefing of town hall meeting –
Helpful in encouraging leadership to step up and communicate challenges.
Everyone here attended meeting. Any interested parties who did not attend can contact Sam and listen to the meeting which was recorded.
Finances – This was discussed at Town Hall meeting that we are in better shape currently. Concern expressed re. challenges to Sarah being able to continue in this role. Dave will talk to her and offer possible solutions.
Orientation – Christiane will focus on putting together newcomer packets and finish out the year. Kevin Rains and Josh have been planning for a new orientation group in the near future.
Kevin Gilles has resigned from his position on the Pastoral Council and also will not be taking on the responsibility for the Leadership Community.
The Pastoral Council has been encouraged to look for others to fill some of the vacancies we now have. Try to come up with list of names/recommendations by next meeting.
Concern was expressed about poor attendance at the Town Hall meeting and what to do about this in the future.
Question raised by Josh—“What do we do if something breaks?”
—-concerns about coffeemaker that is broken which belongs to L. Bourgeouis
—-expanders missing that belonged to J Thompson
Need for signage re. items left in the church being at risk
Post these signs in strategic places throughout the bldg. (Mandy will oversee)
Meetings re. the building – St. Elizabeth Exlorers (S.E.E.) – minutes will be available to anyone who is interested.
Discernment meetings – discussing what God is doing in our community; concern about how to introduce someone to VC and what are “next steps” for anyone who shows interest in being a part of VC – Participants are Kevin Rains, Sandy and Owen Brock, Greg York, Dave Nixon, and Josh Hanauer. Look at first step as a phone number where an interested party can call (likely to be a conversation with Josh or with Mandy) . Next would be an introductory meal with families or individuals who have volunteered to be hosts for this purpose of sharing more about VC. There would be preset information which every host family would cover. Next VC newsletter will ask for volunteers.
Member conversations – Owen will share more about what are important points at future meetings of the PC.
Next Pastoral Council meeting – August 15, 2010, at the Speckled Bird – 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.