New House Churches

Hearth House Church Ready to Birth
By the end of November Hearth will become 2 distinct house churches. One group will realign itself with Hearth’s original focus on hospitality. The second group will continue to meet as a worshiping community to explore its mission. Start-ups and re-starts are an great time to roll up your sleeves and get involved. Likely meeting times for both churches will continue to be Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30. (We’ll solidify that soon and get the word out.) If you’re looking to join a house church, please know that our doors are open.

New: Spencer Avenue House Church
Starting Thursday evening, Nov. 11, Joshua & Maurie Hanauer will serve as hosts for the new Spencer Avenue HC. Newcomers and oldcomers are welcome. Start time will be 8:00 p.m. (They need to get their kids settled first.) Directions and contact info will follow in the “comment section” for this announcement on the VC website. If you have questions you can post them there as well.

New: Courtland Avenue House Church
Starting Thursday evening, Nov. 11, Ben and Mary Ellen Eilerman will serve as hosts for the new Courtland Avenue HC, led by Daniel & Laura (Tucker) Tegge. Start time will be 6:30 p.m. If you’re interested in joining this group, please contact Dave Nixon directly or leave a comment for this announcement on the VC website.

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