Chicken Classes at the Civic Garden Center

The following was sent in by Ryan Mooney-Bullock.  As many of you are aware, Norwood City Council is considering a modified Prohibited Animals ordinance, “which will allow residents in owner occupied 1 and 2 family residences to keep chickens.”  I’ve posted this message here because of the high likelihood of interest among our church’s members.  Here’s Ryan:

I wanted to share some upcoming classes at the Civic Garden Center with VC’s many homegrown-loving community members. If you have been plotting your chicken flock for the upcoming repeal of Norwood’s anti-chicken ordinance, the first class will provide you with all the info you need to get started!

Chickens: Selecting Breeds, Ordering Chicks and Setting up for a Laying Flock
Wednesday February 9, 6-7:30pm
Instructor: Madeline Dorger, Youth Education Coordinator
Cost: $10 (free for CGC Volunteers)
This class will cover breeds of chickens for the backyard chicken-keeper and tips for ordering from our local hatchery. Madeline will explain how to care for the chicks once you receive them and provide ideas for setting up your small backyard chicken habitat. Participants, if interested, will be able to submit a combined chick order to Mt. Healthy Hatchery.

Maximizing the Small Vegetable Garden, Part 2
Saturday, January 15, 1:30-3:30pm
Instructor: Kate Cook, Urban Farmer
Cost: $10 (free for CGC volunteers). Previous class not required.
This class will expand on the principles discussed in part one (planning concepts and planting techniques to maximize variety and yield). Participants are encouraged to bring their first round garden design ideas to workshop with Kate and the rest of the class. Estimating quantities for seed ordering and soil amendments will also be covered, as well as feeding and watering schedules.

Seed Exchange
Wednesday February 2, 6-7:30pm
Cost: Free
Bring the seeds you have saved from your garden (all kinds welcome) to exchange with other gardeners. Enjoy swapping stories and seeds from your garden with other like-minded folks. Light refreshments will be provided, feel free to bring something to share. Open to all of our CGC friends: teachers, community gardeners, home gardeners, urban farmers, etc!

If you have questions, feel free to contact Ryan at You can register for classes on our website.

One thought on “Chicken Classes at the Civic Garden Center

  1. This is exciting, Ryan. I had no idea that Norwood’s City Council was considering this. Please keep us and others posted, and thanks for adding the other information above. I hope there’s an abundance of fresh, organic eggs and vegetables in our VC’s and the neighborhood’s future.

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