Addressing rumors of Pastoral Leadership

Please note that while this is posted by Nathan, the words below are directly those of the Pastoral Council addressed to the wider Vineyard Central community.

The Pastoral Council received a few questions over the past week regarding the status of our Discernment Process and whether or not a new Pastor had been selected to lead VC.

VC has not offered a new paid Pastor role to anyone. Under our current Charter, the VC Board of Trustees is the only group that has the authority to hire paid staff. Related to the discernment process, informal conversations have occurred regarding the effectiveness of past leadership models, and the potential of possible leadership models going forward. No invitations however have been discerned or extended, and will not occur outside of the discernment process. The VC BOT has not met to formally consider this question of paid Pastoral leadership, but will do so as our discernment process progresses.

Our path forward regarding how we choose to be led as a Church includes continuing our Discernment Process about what kind of Church God has called us to be. Assuming we are called to be a Church, it seems likely we will call a Pastor. What the Pastor will be called to will come out of the congregation’s Discernment Process.

Dave, Greg, Jeremy, Owen

3 thoughts on “Addressing rumors of Pastoral Leadership

  1. Our house is prayerful for those who have and who continue to care for our church. We love you dearly and pray nothing but God’s richest blessings on your life, your work and your time spent dealing with community issues. Peace to you all.

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