Parish Farming Internship

From Robert and Erin Lockridge:

The media is saturated with talk of food, from healthy eating, organic gardening, and
green living, to obesity, eating disorders, child hunger, and food safety. How do we, the
people of the Church, participate in these conversations? Do we have a unique
proclamation of hope?

In this class, we will journey together through the growing season, exploring, from within
the framework of the Christian tradition, some of the biological, ecological, economic,
cultural, and theological aspects of what, why, and how we eat. Reading and
discussion will be grounded in the soil of our neighborhood gardens as we plant, tend,
harvest, cook, preserve, pray, feast, fast, serve, and sweat together in the context of our
West Norwood community. We pray that, through this class, God will cultivate within us
an intimate thanksgiving for the sustenance of our lives and sow seeds of imagination
among us and our respective church communities.

To quote our friends and professors, Loren and Mary-Ruth Wilkinson, “Eating is at once
an ordinary act of our everyday existence, and perhaps the most profound way we are
related to each other, to the created world, and to God.” We look forward to exploring,
with our hearts, heads, and bodies, the depths of this mystery with you.

This course will take place over weekend-sessions in March, May, July, September and
November, 2014. Reading assignments and homework will be given to complete
between each session.

Following, are the class dates for 2014:
March:  Thursday, 3.20, 6:00 p.m. — *Saturday, 3.22, 8:00 p.m.
May:  Thursday, 5.22, 6:00 p.m. — Saturday, 5.24, 8:00 p.m.
July:  Thursday, 7.24, 6:00 p.m. — Saturday, 7.26, 8:00 p.m.
September: **Friday, 9.19, 4:00 p.m. — Sunday, 9.21, 8:00 p.m.
November:  Thursday, 11.13, 6:00 p.m. — Saturday, 11.15, 8:00 p.m.

* The weekend will officially be over at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday night. However, students
are invited to share breakfast at our home before church.
** This weekend will primarily be spent at Isidore’s Plough on Brush Creek in Adam’s
County. Students are invited to stay through Monday morning (optional).

Course Fee: $635; To register, please contact the Lockridges at fishintut (at)

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