Food for the Stoxen Family

Hello Church!

I wanted to send out a reminder that Jill and Josh Stoxen are very close to meeting their son! He’s due in less that two weeks, so be keeping their family in mind and in prayer these last exciting days before his arrival.

Also, I’ll be coordinating a meal share for their family with a fabulous new web organizational tool that Jill told me about. It will take our community meal share superpowers to the next level. Get a preview here. After baby boy arrives I will make a calendar and folks can mark when they can make food and what they plan on making so everyone can see. Gone are the days when lasagna comes 5 days in a row :)!  Woot!

I will send out another email when baby boy Stoxen arrives, but in the mean time, please let me know if you want to be on the list of people who get to bless this family with food during such a holy time in their lives.

You can reach me via email: or phone: 513.293.1549

Elizabeth Hatchett

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